Review of the Northern Ireland Curriculum
Read Pivotal’s evidence submission to the Review of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.
Read morePivotal is the independent public policy think tank for Northern Ireland. Pivotal is a new organisation which aims to help improve public policy in Northern Ireland, through promoting a greater use of evidence in decision–making and by involving a wider range of people in talking about policy issues that matter to them. Pivotal is independent of political parties and political ideologies, and we operate outside of government. We aim to enable discussion about policy issues in Northern Ireland that is evidence–based, inclusive and accessible.
Pivotal has published research reports on a range of issues, including two recent reports which are particularly relevant to this inquiry. The first is about education and training for 14–19 years olds, looking at how well the education and skills system is preparing young people for life and work. The second is on educational migration, exploring why so many young people choose to leave Northern Ireland for study and not return.
Pivotal also takes a role reviewing the performance of the Northern Ireland Executive as a government, to give an independent assessment of what has been achieved and what future policy priorities should be. To this end, we have launched a series of ‘tracker’ reports looking at past performance and future policy priorities in Northern Ireland. Informed by this work, this evidence also explores Northern Ireland’s broader investment needs, for example in skills and infrastructure.
Please download our written response for full details of our evidence provided on 12.01.22.