

Ann Watt

Ann Watt


One of Pivotal’s core objectives is to enable and encourage debate about policy choices in Northern Ireland, informed by data and evidence. Particularly now that the Assembly and Executive have been restored, we are keen to help promote discussion about a range of pressing policy challenges.

The blogs will be written by guest authors who are kindly giving of their time and expertise. The analysis and opinions expressed will be the views of the authors and not necessarily those of Pivotal. In welcoming a diversity of perspectives Pivotal Platform does, however, give authors broad guidelines: 

  • Blogs should be short and punchy
  • Arguments should be underpinned by evidence and data
  • Specific ideas for policy change should be included

We are excited by the quality of the blogs we have waiting to publish, and our thanks to those who have already contributed by writing for this series. 

We hope you enjoy reading the blogs and we would welcome your responses to them.

The first blog will be published on our website tomorrow and shared via X/Twitter. We plan to publish a new blog every 1–2 weeks, from a wide range of authors and topics. Drop us a line if you would like to get involved at info@pivotalppf.org 

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Social work in Northern Ireland: sustaining a workforce to meet society’s needs

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